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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: Ping Your Name
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2024 19:41:18 +1100
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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References: <vik6kk$3a5bg$> <vjgrgp$3ad45$>
 <> <vjjkov$3uosr$>
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The Doctor wrote on 15/12/24 1:44 am:
> In article <vjjkov$3uosr$>,
> Daniel70  <> wrote:
>> Blueshirt wrote on 14/12/24 2:18 am:


>>> It's not my fault Dave has a limited attention span!
>> Sure! Sure! Maybe we should blame his mother!!
>>> A goldfish remembers more than him.
>>> I don't need to obsfucate. I say what I mean. Dave can like it or
>>> lump it.
>> And, given those choices, he'll probably lump it!!
>>> It would be nice if he did actually engage in a discussion about
>>> things though. Unfortunately, the thing he rarely does here is answer
>>> a question! So he goes off on a tangent and hopes that nobody
>>> notices... but of course, after all these years on RADW, everyone
>>> does !!!
>> ... and his Number One tangent .... God Bothering!!
> Still pull the ct and lie techniques masterfully you 2.

..... just like any COMPETENT ISP would request his/her users do!!