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From: The Natural Philosopher <tnp@invalid.invalid>
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Remember "Bit-Slice" Chips ?
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 12:05:45 +0000
Organization: A little, after lunch
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On 20/12/2024 09:38, D wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Dec 2024, rbowman wrote:
>> On Thu, 19 Dec 2024 19:07:53 +0100, D wrote:
>>> Train stations are for nerds! Real men jump from a moving car to the
>>> moving train!
>> Most of the trains that come through here are coal cars. Not the best of
>> accommodations. We do have two passenger stations that are being used for
>> other purposes. Apparently 'if you build it they'll come' doesn't 
>> apply to
>> trains.
> All it takes is patience. Just wait and see! ;)

In all cases the optimal solution is context dependent

People in the major cities travel between those majors cities as fast as 
possible, and that means by air, because its relatively cheap and super 

People in the flyover states are there because they have no interest in 
being anywhere than where they are. And they have cars and of course 
trucks, which are good enough for the long and arbitrary journeys they make.

Trains are only really suitable for freight and bulk carrying in the USA 
these days...

.....But if carbon based fuel gets expensive enough electric trains will 
become potentially the fast and cheap option.

You may even drive your BEV onto  one and get a free charge with the 
train ticket

Train top speeds are easily 200mph, and planes at 500mph or a bit more 
er not that much faster when the boarding process is taken into account. 
Trains have doors all along them :-)

15 hours coast to coast on a fast electric train with dining facilities, 
wi fi and USB charger plugs and even a bunk, might be seen as preferable 
to a redeye 6 hour flight

Of course what happens if it snows, is another matter.

“People believe certain stories because everyone important tells them, 
and people tell those stories because everyone important believes them. 
Indeed, when a conventional wisdom is at its fullest strength, one’s 
agreement with that conventional wisdom becomes almost a litmus test of 
one’s suitability to be taken seriously.”

Paul Krugman