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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: [NEWS] Some "Classic" Doctor Who episodes available on YouTube
 (country restricted)
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 21:04:41 +1100
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 47
Message-ID: <vkj9nj$2u3m8$>
References: <vjqsem$1i00a$> <vkecdl$1sekv$>
 <vkehd0$4u0$> <vkgq98$2ciav$>
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The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 11:20 pm:
> In article <vkgq98$2ciav$>,
> Daniel70  <> wrote:
>> The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 1:44 am:
>>> In article <vkecdl$1sekv$>,
>>> Daniel70  <> wrote:
>>>> The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 12:01 am:
>>>>> In article <vke9eb$1roec$>,
>>>>> Daniel70  <> wrote:
>>>>>> solar penguin wrote on 24/12/24 2:38 am:
>>>>>>> Daniel declared:
>>>>>>>> Blueshirt wrote on 23/12/24 11:11 pm:
>>>>>>>>> Your Name wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> There are lots of universities in England that are easy for
>>>>>>>>>> anyone to easily go to.
>>>>>>>>> FWIW, when I lived in London there was a University you could
>>>>>>>>> go to just by watching early morning programmes on BBC2!
>>>>>>>> We used to have 'Open University' or some such in Australia .... but I
>>>>>>>> can't say I've seen it listed on any of the Free-to-Air T.V. Channels
>>>>>>>> for quite some time.
>>>>>>> Probably moved to online streaming like the British one did.
>>>>>> I think there was an On-line portion to it ... even way back when.
>>>>> Portion as in ad?
>>>> No, Gobble-de-gook, not that I ever watched it but I think the Lectures
>>>> were filmed and then televised on Free-to-Air T.V. then you'd go On-line
>>>> and complete an assignment ..... or something like that!
>>> Portion of a lecture or full elcture?
>> Yes.
> So available on demand.
Didn't YOU, Gobble-de-=gook, READ  and UNDERSTAND where I posted "the 
Lectures were filmed and then televised on Free-to-Air T.V", 

Does that equate to "So available on demand", Gobble-de-gook??