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Path: ...!!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: [OT] James Bond Producer Halts Plans for Female 007 TV Series.
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 00:20:12 +1100
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 25
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References: <> <vkcl6u$1d1s2$>
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 <vkgrb1$2con7$> <>
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Blueshirt wrote on 26/12/24 11:38 pm:
> Daniel70 wrote:
>> The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 12:02 am:
>>> In article <vkeabk$1rvt9$>,
>>> Daniel70  <> wrote:
>>>> Oh!! Come on, you heathen!! ;-P Miss Moneypenny was M's
>>>> secretary, not Q's!!
>>> Verified!  And Q is the quartermass diviaion .
>> What the fuck is a "diviaion", Gobble-de-gook??
>> And "quatermass" was a character from a totally different
>> series, wasn't he??
> Dave is wrong, (no surprise there)... in the James Bond movies Q
> was called Q for his job title, Quartermaster. It wasn't his
> name and it had nothing to do with Quatermass. In the Ian
> Fleming books there was a "Q branch", which was the Dept that
> produced the various spy gadgets that the agents needed.
And Q was the head of the 'Q Branch' .. i.e. 'The Quartermasters Branch'