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From: The Natural Philosopher <tnp@invalid.invalid>
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: GIMP 3.0.0-RC1
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2025 12:07:49 +0000
Organization: A little, after lunch
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On 03/01/2025 11:58, -hh wrote:
> On 1/3/25 6:32 AM, D wrote:
>> On Fri, 3 Jan 2025, Lars Poulsen wrote:
>>> On 2025-01-02, rbowman <> wrote:
>>>> What isn't 'woke' these days? The language is over the top but does the
>>>> end result really differ from civilized behavior in the workplace?
>>> The problem seems to be that some a**holes NEED to be smacked with
>>> regulations before they will live up to basic civility. And then they
>>> complain about "woke tyranny".
>> That might be true. It is also true that some people are severely and 
>> unjustly punished for being conservative christians, pro-Trump, or 
>> just plain conservative. 
> These actions you're defending as 'unjust' were things like killing 
> someone because they happened to be gay/black/different, right?

It means losing your career and livelihood because you said that women 
don't have a penis.
Or because you said that Mohammed wasn't a very nice person, after all.
Or losing an eye because of that.
Or losing your career and livelihood because you failed to endorse 
wokery in every performance and every film play or radio drama that you 
were involved in.
Or losing your career and livelihood because you failed to endorse 'man 
made climate change'.

> There's extreme cases of assholitry that have no place in Society; the 
> question is how to establish a fair, uniform and transparent standard 
> that won't be abused by those who's personal biases make them prone to 
> being an abuser (see religious leaders & pedophilia for YA example).
Abolish woke.

Make it perfectly legal to think anything and say anything that is not a 
direct incitement to public violence.

Battle racism by repealing  all laws that diifferentiate  between ethnic 

Let society, not the Law, judge whether a man in a summer frock is 
really a woman or just a sick saddo.

"It is an established fact to 97% confidence limits that left wing 
conspirators see right wing conspiracies everywhere"