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Path: ...!!!!!!not-for-mail
From: Frank Slootweg <>
Subject: Re: The problem with not owning the software
Date: 5 Jan 2025 15:46:26 GMT
Organization: NOYB
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Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> wrote:
> On Sat, 4 Jan 2025 19:32:32 -0500, Paul wrote:
> >> Installing Windows 11? The installer won't allow you to continue
> >> without logging in to your account. Sure, there are workarounds if
> >> you pray five times a day and stand on your head doing so, but it
> >> doesn't allow it be default.
> > 
> > [long-winded installation procedure deleted]
> Which is why they say, Windows is a great OS -- if your time is worth nothing.

  <barf!> It's good that *you* don't use Windows, because you have no
clue about what's (not) being talked about.

  Clue-by-four: Paul's procedure has *nothing* to do with the issue
which Andrzej raised (circumventing the need for a Microsoft account to
install Windows 11).

  But by all means, keep digging. One of these days you're bound to come
up at the other end.

  But granted, the procedure (to circumvent the need for a MSA) is
*very* complicated. In my case I needed to press the 'Airplane mode'
button on my keyboard. Heaven knows how I managed to do that. Must have
taken hours of my precious time.