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Le 29/10/2024 à 17:27, Maciej Wozniak a écrit :
> W dniu 29.10.2024 o 16:56, Python pisze:
>> Le 29/10/2024 à 16:22, Maciej Wozniak a écrit :
>>> W dniu 29.10.2024 o 14:10, Python pisze:
>>>> Le 29/10/2024 à 07:47, Maciej Wozniak a écrit :
>>>>> W dniu 28.10.2024 o 22:41, Python pisze:
>>>>>>>>> At least - as long as
>>>>>>>>> its enthusiasts are evaluating that. But none
>>>>>>>>> of your idiot gurus had any real knowledge
>>>>>>>>> about the process of putting words together.
>>>>>>>> Then you're going to abuse and off-track idiotic rant, again.
>>>>>>>> Preventing any kind of communication with others.
>>>>>>> It's for sure nothing  but some idiotic rant to
>>>>>>> suggest that your bunch of idiots doesn't know
>>>>>>> everythibg about everything.
>>>>>>> For sure, suggesting there is something you don't
>>>>>>> know - immediately  prevents any kind of communication
>>>>>>> with you.
>>>>>> You didn't suggest that there is something I don't know. What the 
>>>>>> Hell are you talking about ?
>>>>> "But none  of your idiot gurus had any real knowledge
>>>>> about the process of putting words together".
>>>>> That's the Hell what I'm talking about.
>>>>> That's what's driving you [...] mad.
>>>> Not quite. Your ability to "put words together" is not very impressive 
>>> Still -
>> Certain. Glad that we agree on that.
>>> none  of [physicists] had any
>>> real knowledge about the process.
>> This is your opinion. Mine is the opposite.
> Of course it is; you're such an idiot.
> Why would they do? Is "putting words
> together"  a physical process?

Listen Maciej: you do not deserve any answer given your abusive conduct.

I was kind enough to point you to some works that may be in your line of 
reasoning, if ever you had one.

You don't care, you won't check, you'll continue to post stupid rants 
every single early morning on Usenet until you'll die. With zero effect 
but boring people.

This is your project in life. I wonder how it is possible to act that way. 
But I don't really care.