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From: "Blueshirt" <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: Today's re-post from the archives
Date: Thu, 9 May 2024 16:29:02 +0100
Organization: Eternal-September
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Daniel70 wrote:

> Back on 31 July 1991, Jay posted (in part) ....
> Quote
> You know what I would like to see is the Doctor get
> romantically involved with one of his (female!) companions.
> Of course, having said this, I hope it will never happen,
> because the show would then degrade to the point of every
> other show with a love theme in it.  End Quote
> Well, it would seem that Jay certainly got the first part of
> his wish (10th Doctor/twin/clone and Rose) .... and some might
> even suggest that Jay prophesied correctly with his prediction
> that the show might degrade following that!!
> And, having mentioned the 10th Doctors twin/clone, and being
> aware of the recent bio-regeneration, is the Universe in
> danger of being overrun with 10th Doctor clones??

It's funny you should mention the Tenth Doctor clone as there's
an interesting fan theory/rumour going around about him in
relation to Ruby's character... but, as you won't get to see any
of the new Doctor Who episodes you'll have to wait until you
reach that stage in your RADW archive to see if it ends up being
true or not... ;-)