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Le 24/07/2024 à 16:30, Maciej Wozniak a écrit :
> Your idiot guru Roberts could explain you that
> "measured" doesn't necessarily mean "real"
> in the liturgy of your moronic church.

Measured does not necessarily mean real.

Let's take the measure of the shadow of this building. This is a real 
measurement, I measure with a real meter, and on real ground.
But is this the actual measurement of the building?
The same is true in relativity, when I measure in an anisochronous medium, 
how our universe is made.
No matter how much we jump like a kid and say: "there is no anisochrony, 
anisochrony does not exist", it changes nothing, and it advances nothing.
I do measure time, but with out-of-synchronization watches, and the speed 
I think I measure is not the real speed.

I recall the two simple and reciprocal equations:
