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Path: ...!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Colin Macleod <>
Subject: Newsgrouper Update
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2024 15:07:49 GMT
Message-ID: <>
Injection-Info:; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account=user7
Injection-Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2024 15:07:49 GMT
User-Agent: Newsgrouper/0.6.1
Bytes: 1472
Lines: 19

I've made some updates to Newsgrouper, my web interface to Usenet.
It's now at and the old url will redirect there.

The display of a thread is redesigned. If Javascript is enabled you can
navigate a thread with the keyboard:
- RightArrow will jump to the next message in the thread.
- LeftArrow will jump to the previous message in the thread.
- 'n' will jump to the next New message in the thread.
- 'v' will View the raw source of the current message.

There is a facility to block all posts from annoying people, like the
traditional "kill file", see "Block Poster" at the bottom of the article
display and the general "Preferences".

At the bottom of the list of threads for a group there is now a
"Find Articles" button which can search through 20 years worth of posts
for a specific string (or glob pattern) in the Subject or From field.

Colin Macleod.