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Subject: Re: Is it a =?UTF-8?Q?Joke=3F=20=3F=20=3F?=
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Le 27/08/2024 à 21:39, "Paul.B.Andersen" a écrit :
> Den 27.08.2024 20:34, skrev Richard Hachel:

> When I take into account your POSITION and the dual
> PERSONAL REALITY of your hyperplane of present time,
> then the speed of light is both finite and infinite
> (and vice versa) in the correct Hachelian space-time
> with universal anisochrony.

Take a close look at the following little diagram.
We place a point A, and we draw in representation inside a slice x,y,z, 
its own present time hyperplane.
It is the 3D hyperplane of present time, of universal simultaneity 
specific to A, as everyone has their own.
But this hyperplane, in the universe, because the universe is made this 
way is NOT "nestable" from A to B, from B to C, etc...
Thus, we will represent in yellow, the hyperplane of B, BUT SEEN BY A.
We then see something very surprising for the novice of RR, the present is 
not something "global", "common to all".
For A, we notice that B and C are part of its present moment, and A, B, 
and C, for A, are simultaneous events, which occur at the same moment, 
which are part of its universal present.

But the converse is not true, for B, A does not yet exist, it is not in 
the same present moment as C, but it is in the past of A.
The present of B, the simultaneity of B, if we understand it well, is A'.

Thus, this horse in this meadow, this moon in this sky, this galaxy in 
this telescope, if I manage to remove this multi-secular abstract idea, 
which is the "observable speed of light Vo=c", I understand that they are 
given to me live, in instantaneous transmission in what is my 

But that the reverse is not true. For this galaxy that I see in the full 
universal present (mine), I will only exist in a few billion years. And if 
I send it a message today, although I see it, live, it will only receive 
it in two billion years if it is 1 billion light-years away. The speed of 
perception IS instantaneous, but the speed of diffusion is Vo=0.5c.

The true universal constant is therefore not c, but c/2, the escape 
velocity of light; Vo=c is only the observable transverse velocity of 
Breathe, blow, I have known it for 40 years.
But for novices, it is hard to swallow.



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