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Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?Re=3A_Reprise_des_annulations_pour_abus_du_r=C3=A9seau?=
Content-Language: fr
Newsgroups: fr.usenet.abus.d
References: <uqj55k$2g17$>
 <uqj6i5$2q2ah$> <uqjarg$2j6q$>
 <uqkfsm$37237$> <uqko5i$4i0$>
From: Paul Aubrin <>
In-Reply-To: <uql3i6$hhm8$>
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Message-ID: <C5rzN.806191$Cm1.197841@fx01.ams4>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2024 16:37:54 UTC
Organization: Eweka Internet Services
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2024 17:37:54 +0100
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Le 15/02/2024 à 14:28, Ivo Gandolfo a écrit :
> Olivier is much simpler: access and use of Usenet (like IRC, and much 
> more being private and not public, i.e. state services) is a PRIVILEGE, 
> not a RIGHT.
> But until they want to understand it (because it's not a difficult 
> concept) they will all be wasted words.

Malheureusement votre concept si difficile à appréhender est erroné. 
Personne n'accorde à qui que ce soit l'accès à usenet comme un 
privilège. La plupart des fournisseurs d'accès avaient des serveurs 
usenet inclus dans leur service de base.