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Subject: Re: Is it a =?UTF-8?Q?Joke=3F=20=3F=20=3F?=
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Date: Wed, 28 Aug 24 18:57:16 +0000
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From: Richard Hachel <>
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Le 28/08/2024 à 20:26, "Paul.B.Andersen" a écrit :
> Den 26.08.2024 13:02, skrev Richard Hachel:
>> There is a one-second time difference between 
>> 00:00:08 and 00:00:07", between my watch and 
>> the watch on the moon.
>> This is because of the speed of light, which is quite slow, 
>> and takes at least a second to reach me.
>> And so that explains everything.
> This is the reality, as you know!
> You have correctly explained that you see the watch in the telescope
> delayed by 1 second, so you _know_ that the lunar watch shows 00:00'08"
> like the watch on your table.
> You _know_ the watches are synchronous in the ECI frame.
> Of course it is a bad joke that the speed of light is both
> finite and infinite, and that you can make a clock change
> its reading by looking at it.
> You are babbling nonsense.

If I look at a cylinder like this presentation of chips, I do not observe 
the same geometric figure in my field of vision depending on how I look at 
Sometimes I SEE a circle, and my camera photographs a circle,
sometimes I SEE a rectangle, and my camera photographs a rectangle.


The same goes for measuring the speed of light, which is nothing other 
than the way I study geometry, universal anisochrony.
Depending on how I position myself, I do not measure the same thing.
Relativity is ALSO that.


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