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From: Chris Green <>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.raspberry-pi
Subject: Re: What do I need to go with a Pi 4
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2024 14:11:14 +0100
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Adrian <bulleid@ku.gro.lioff> wrote:
> I'm currently running a Pi2, which has a BME280 (via a hat) and a SSD 
> attached to it.  The Pi is now starting to struggle to generate graphs 
> for my home website, so I'm thinking of swapping it for a Pi4.  A 
> rummage online doesn't seem to fully answer my questions.
If you're buying the Pi4 then why not go for a Pi5, there's very
little difference in the price.

> Apart from the Pi4, to upgrade, I know that I will need a bigger power 
> supply and a HDMI adapter lead, but after, things are a bit vague.  Can 
> I get away with the Pi4 without any additional cooling, or do I need a 
> heat sink or fan, and if so, how do they get on with the hat ?  The 
> space it is in has had a temperature range of -1 to 40 degrees C, the 
> mean across that time is about 15.5C.
I've run two Pi4 systems without heatsink or fan for a very long time
with no issues at all.  I've just looked at one of them, it's been
running at least since May 2023.  As I understand it anyway the
system will simply slow down if it thinks it's getting too hot. 

Chris Green