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From: candycanearter07 <candycanearter07@candycanearter07.nomail.afraid>
Subject: Re: Free / opensource text-only reader for linux - suggestions,
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 20:30:07 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: the-candyden-of-code
Lines: 47
Message-ID: <uvrvsf$2f09j$>
References: <>
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 <uvjjgv$ccgo$> <hXdUN.2102$lKme.274@fx01.iad>
Injection-Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 22:30:07 +0200 (CEST)
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Bytes: 2952

Bud Frede <> wrote at 18:49 this Thursday (GMT):
> candycanearter07 <candycanearter07@candycanearter07.nomail.afraid>
> writes:
>> Bud Frede <> wrote at 17:24 this Friday (GMT):
>>> candycanearter07 <candycanearter07@candycanearter07.nomail.afraid>
>>> writes:
>>>> Phil Boutros <> wrote at 21:24 this Thursday (GMT):
>>>> [snip]
>>>>>     The famous joke:  Emacs is a great operating system.  If only it
>>>>> came with a good text editor too ;) 
>>>>> Phil
>>>> I can't wait for "emacs" to be released as its own distro.
>>> It was, and that predated the Linux kernel. You used to be able to send
>>> off for a tape with the emacs code on it back in the old days.
>> Wait what?
> It was mentioned in passing here in 1981.

I wasn't here then.

> Tape was how they distributed things years ago...
> Maybe you've heard of BSD? That was on tape too when Bill Joy first
> started sending out Berkeley's additions to Unix to other Unix sites.
> I also remember seeing messages from Stallman talking about how to get a
> tape with the emacs code on it. That was also mentioned at some point in
> regard to GNU not being opposed to anyone charging for distribution -
> like paying for tapes or later paying for a CD with Slackware on it,
> etc.

user <candycane> is generated from /dev/urandom