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Look up another Usenet article

Path: ...!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Justisaur <>
Subject: Re: PC newsreader that keeps messages and has a good text search
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 09:52:50 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 8/12/2024 9:11 AM, VanguardLH wrote:
> Reposted article 3 minutes later by Justisaur, but with a slightly
> different Subject.

Sorry it didn't appear to post so I pulled it from my sent, edited it a 
bit more and posted again.

> Justisaur <> wrote:
>> [Tbird] also had a bug last week where it re-downloaded all the
>> messages and now everything older than a week just comes up with an
>> error.
> Not a problem with Tbird.  A problem with ES (the Usenet provider you
> use) where a server went down, the articles database got rebuilt which
> resulted in new article articles (which won't match those you previously
> downloaded).  See the newsgroup for more info
> from Ray.

Ah thanks for that.  As I've set to retain all messages it should have 
them locally and I should still be able to access them?

>> One of the other I'm looking for is the ability to retain all messages
>> in a particular newsgroup.
> Maybe you specified retention periods for folders or in account
> settings.

I have the retention set to all for the main usenet group I use on that 
folder, I don't see anything in account settings for that.


That's not set to delete


Ah, this could be it.  Says it uses the server's retention policies even 
if you choose to retain messages locally longer, there's no option to 
prevent that.

Another reason for a different newsreader.

>> Also built in spellcheck. I remember I tried a couple other newsreaders
>> like x-news which is supposed to have a way to set up spellcheck but I
>> couldn't get working.

That was more about different newsreaders, Thunderbird's spell check 
works fine.

> '--->

Thanks, really looking for a different newsreader at this point.

Sorry if it feels like I'm flaming you, the heat is directed at TB. 
You've been very helpful :)


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