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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail From: "Paul.B.Andersen" <> Newsgroups: sci.physics.relativity Subject: Re: Is it a Joke? ? ? Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 20:28:06 +0200 Organization: A noiseless patient Spider Lines: 81 Message-ID: <vanq5h$3irq8$> References: <v9q6eu$1tlm9$> <> <vah9hs$2c43u$> <> <vak80b$2u8l5$> <5U7no7_ss4o5VC4H35bOoOqEi6w@jntp> <val4pj$332jq$> <PV2oATKbq9mjQDVMXlzvbvCPLMU@jntp> <vala23$33mgn$> <2hjjdokckxPswv9vzkiMV5N_680@jntp> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Injection-Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 20:26:58 +0200 (CEST) Injection-Info:; posting-host="c23bf66067f03cdfc259fe32f4e7804b"; logging-data="3764040"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX1+tp4Of2TsY73Wvjbtc2ILe" User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird Cancel-Lock: sha1:pNh8ikLvE8svudO/9spceYOzmQY= Content-Language: en-GB In-Reply-To: <2hjjdokckxPswv9vzkiMV5N_680@jntp> Bytes: 3836 Den 27.08.2024 23:39, skrev Richard Hachel: Of course it's a joke! > > Take a close look at the following little diagram. Let's rather look at what you have said about the synchronisation of clocks Den 24.08.2024 14:24, skrev Richard Hachel: > > What happens if I set two identical watches on my table > and I slowly move one of them towards the moon. > (let's say in three weeks to avoid a v²/c² ratio very different from 1)? The clocks will still be synchronous (within 1 μs). Den 24.08.2024 14:24, skrev Richard Hachel: > > I notice in my telescope that when my watch marks > 00:00'08" the lunar clock is desynchronized and marks 00:00'07". Den 25.08.2024 14:34, skrev Richard Hachel: > > The beautiful thing is to say that "photons move at c". > The genius is to say that transactions are instantaneous, > and that it is men's ignorance of the correct space-time > that creates this illusion. > It is really 00:00'07" over there, at the very moment > when it is 00:00'08" here. If the speed of light was infinite, then you would see the watch in the telescope show 00:00'08" like the watch on your table. The clocks are synchronous in the ECI frame. But why do you claim that the speed of light is infinite when you know it's not? Den 26.08.2024 13:02, skrev Richard Hachel: > > There is a one-second time difference between > 00:00:08 and 00:00:07", between my watch and > the watch on the moon. > This is because of the speed of light, which is quite slow, > and takes at least a second to reach me. > And so that explains everything. > This is the reality, as you know! You have correctly explained that you see the watch in the telescope delayed by 1 second, so you _know_ that the lunar watch shows 00:00'08" like the watch on your table. You _know_ the watches are synchronous in the ECI frame. Of course it is a bad joke that the speed of light is both finite and infinite, and that you can make a clock change its reading by looking at it. You are babbling nonsense. > We place a point A, and we draw in representation inside a slice x,y,z, > its own present time hyperplane. > It is the 3D hyperplane of present time, of universal simultaneity > specific to A, as everyone has their own. > But this hyperplane, in the universe, because the universe is made this > way is NOT "nestable" from A to B, from B to C, etc... See? Nonsense! > Breathe, blow, I have known it for 40 years. :-D -- Paul