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From: "Paul.B.Andersen" <>
Newsgroups: sci.physics.relativity
Subject: Re: Is it a Joke? ? ?
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 15:36:22 +0200
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Den 29.08.2024 13:53, skrev Richard Hachel:
> It is obvious that if it moves from left to right, transversely, or from 
> right to left, the speed of light will be the same.
> Let's say that I have not measured it yet, that I just know that it is 
> very fast, so I cannot say precisely what it is.
> But AT LEAST, can I suppose that it would be very surprising if it moved 
> faster in one direction or another. Which would be an absurdity in a 
> concept of refutation of absolute or privileged referent.
> If I can measure this transverse speed from A to B (i.e. without 
> possible Doppler effect that could distort my measurement) I will find 
> Vo=3.10^8m/s.
> And then, it's true, if I practice in the other direction, I will still 
> find
> Vo=3.10^8m/s.
> It is equal in both directions, and it is logical that it should be.
> I will now turn my device AB by 90°, and I will place myself this time, 
> in a position perpendicular to what I was previously, and again, I will 
> calculate the transverse speed of light from A to B.
> Bingo!
>  From A to B, or from B to A, I will note Vo=3.10^8m/s
> Tears of joy will then slowly flow down my pink cheek:
> I have just proven something invariant.
> Except that I am an idiot who has not understood anything at all, and 
> who has not noticed the enormous bias that I have just described here.
What are you babbling about?

It is thoroughly experimentally verified that the speed of light
is isotropic, constant and invariant.
The number c = 299792458 m/s follows from the definition of the units.

Only an ignorant moron would claim:
"the speed of light depends on the position of the observer."
