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Path: ...!!!!!!not-for-mail
From: Anton Shepelev <anton.txt@gmail.moc>
Subject: Re: tin: article stubs one line short
Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2024 20:06:38 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: To protect and to server
Sender: 9dIQLXBM7WM9KzA+yjdR4A
Message-ID: <vcn90e$1ua1q$>
References: <vchp81$1bo2h$> <1gzgk2lgv08eo$.dlg@v.nguard.lh> <vck7ih$1kifu$> <vcm5bq$oku$>
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Bytes: 1831
Lines: 16

Urs Janssen <> wrote:
>Anton Shepelev wrote:
>> It is not a bug in the editor, because regarless of the editor `tin'
>> 2.6.3 on FreeBSD 14.1 pre-generates an article with /only one/ empty
>> line at the end instead of two.  `tin' 2.6.2 (on a remote system I
>> use) pre-genenerates articles with two empty lines at the end. I
>> think it is an error in `tin' 2.6.3.  Or can this have been changed
>> intentionally?
>kinda, just tested it with an editor which doesn't complain _and_ jumps
>one line _past_ the last line if called with +N > lines_in_file (e.g.
>nano, joe, ...). I'll revert that change (= adding an additional
>\n to the stub):

Somewhat related to this problem, is another, when Tin passes 0 for
%N, whereas the lines are numbered from unity (1).  Consequently,
nvi complains that an address of zero is wrong.