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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: "Carol" <>
Subject: Re: Sunday Cooking
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2024 17:49:46 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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jmcquown wrote:

> This afternoon I browned a pound of Italian sausage with onion and
> garlic.  Slow simmered in tomato sauce with grated zucchini and
> Italian seasoning blend.  I cooked some angel hair pasta to go with
> it.  That will be lunch at work a couple of times next week.  The
> rest will be portioned out in freezer containers for quick easy
> homemade freezer meals later.
> I picked up some fresh fried chicken at the grocery store.  I am
> going to use my small air fryer (don't anyone faint; I own it, might
> as well use it) to reheat a thigh and a drumstick for dinner.  The
> rest will be packaged and frozen for later meals.
> The stupid time change has my cooking/eating schedule all out of
> kilter.
> Anything cooking at your house today?
> Jill

I'm trying to figure out something tastey for a 32oz jar or rago, that
isn't spaghetti.  Something that isn't a pasta dish.  I haven't used
Rogan Josh in a while, long enough I need to taste-test for compatible.
If it works, might be a crockpot dish with lots of veggies and beans?

Nextdoor has a fun little exchange where folks grab a can or jar of
something (unopened and not expired) and passes it on to be used in a
new creative way.  This jar is 28 or 32oz so a lot of sauce.