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From: Joel <>
Subject: Re: Racist Apple is targeting blacks only and abusing white women to do it.
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2024 15:38:16 -0500
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Alan <> wrote:

>On 2024-12-12 12:20, Joel wrote:
>> Alan <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Linux's native apps for this are better than Apple-centric macOS GUI
>>>>>>>>>> apps [and therefore don't need replacement with Windows apps].
>>>>>>>>> Ignoring that you are now attempting to deflect, you declared macOS to
>>>>>>>>> be inadequate simply because it COULD run Windows apps in CrossOver...
>>>>>>>> ???
>>>>>>>>> why isn't Linux inadequate when you actually CHOOSE to run Windows
>>>>>>>>> apps?
>>>>>>>> How are you drawing a distinction there?
>>>>>>> I'm not.
>>>>>>> YOU are.
>>>>>>> YOU are calling macOS inadequate for being able to do something that not
>>>>>>> only can one do in Linux, but moreover something YOU actually need to do.
>>>>>> I'm using Agent because I always used it.  It's one app.  I actually
>>>>>> would be motivated to switch if I were using macOS, probably, to
>>>>>> Usenapp, but that would be crazy given that Linux is the OS I would
>>>>>> prefer to run..
>>>>> Actually, it was TWO apps when last I checked...
>>>> I have three Windows apps installed, but Agent is the big one in use.
>>> Proving my your own metric that Linux is inadequate.
>> Incorrect, Intel Macs can do this too with CrossOver or even just
>> installing Wine.  Agent is very workable with Wine.
>But you said that it proved macOS was inadequate, doofus.
>Let me refresh your memory:
>'Another note, I ran Agent and mIRC under CrossOver for Mac, in 2010.
>This was due to the inadequacy of GUI apps for macOS, for Usenet and
>But you run Windows apps under WiNE on Linux.
>So how isn't Linux also inadequate?
>>>>> But you're continuing to ignore the point.
>>>>> You're claiming that the mere EXISTENCE of a facility to run Windows
>>>>> software under macOS (CrossOver Mac) proves the inadequacy of macOS...
>>>>> why doesn't the existence of the same facility on Linux prove its
>>>>> inadequacy?
>>>> Neither are bad things, actually.  I'm claiming that for IRC, Linux
>>>> has better options, and has options for Usenet that are acceptable,
>>>> including running a Windows client.
>>> And yet you declared it was proof of macOS's inadequacy...
>>> ...while not saying the same about Linux.
>> Well, it's easier to use Wine than a VM of Win11 ARM.
>That's not the point under discussion.
>Your need to use CrossOver on the Mac led you to declare Mac GUI apps 
>You have have that exact same need under Linux.
>So explain why Linux apps aren't "inadequate", too.

Frankly, I retract the intent of my statement, if not its sheer truth.
macOS does OK, on these things.

>>>>>>>>> And turning to your deflections:
>>>>>>>>> Name such an app.
>>>>>>>> For Usenet, I've heard good things about Usenapp for macOS, never seen
>>>>>>>> it, it didn't exist when I had mine.  It may be better than what's
>>>>>>>> available for Linux GUI.  But certainly Linux has options for GUI IRC.
>>>>>>> You're supposed to be supporting your claim that:
>>>>>>> 'Linux's native apps for this are better than Apple-centric macOS GUI apps'
>>>>>>> And with no surprise at all, you're completely failing.
>>>>>> If I were starting without any Windows apps, I'd want to go toward
>>>>>> Linux for choice, yes.  There are specific things macOS excels at, but
>>>>>> I'm an Internet person, simply having a quality desktop is the
>>>>>> experience.  It's hardly surprising I'd be running Linux.
>>>>> You made a specific claim:
>>>>> 'Linux's native apps for this are better than Apple-centric macOS GUI apps'
>>>>> In what way are they "better"?
>>>> Usenapp really may be a great GUI app for Usenet, like Agent,
>>>> available on macOS.  But I would still use Linux because of other
>>>> software.  Hell, on a Mac, I'd probably even get M$ Office.  But
>>>> that's kind of the point.  Now I've spent all this money on a computer
>>>> and software, that doesn't do anything better than I can with Linux
>>>> and LibreOffice.
>>> This wasn't about what you LIKE, doofus.
>>> This was about your declaration that:
>>> 'Linux's native apps for this are better than Apple-centric macOS GUI apps'
>>> Now, I don't know whether you were just referring to WiNE vs CrossOver
>>> Mac, or apps in general, but for once in your miserable existence, try
>>> backing up a claim you've made.
>> I actually might retract, in part, that Linux is better for a GUI IRC
>> client than macOS.  It's probably still technically true, but not in
>> the precise way I meant.  So, actually, macOS is pretty good for
>> Usenet and IRC support.
>Or you're just realizing you've been talking bullshit for the whole time.

Essentially, I was, not entirely but essentially.

Joel W. Crump

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

[...] No state shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.

Dobbs rewrites this, it is invalid precedent.  States are
liable for denying needed abortions, e.g. TX.