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Subject: Re: how
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Le 27/04/2024 à 19:38, Richard Damon a écrit :
> On 4/27/24 10:54 AM, WM wrote:
>> Le 26/04/2024 à 21:10, Richard Damon a écrit :
>>> On 4/26/24 1:06 PM, WM wrote:
>>>> Le 26/04/2024 à 04:08, Richard Damon a écrit :
>>>>> On 4/25/24 3:51 PM, WM wrote:
>>>>>> Le 24/04/2024 à 20:08, FromTheRafters a écrit :
>>>>>>> WM explained :
>>>>>>>> Le 24/04/2024 à 12:49, FromTheRafters a écrit :
>>>>>>>>> Richard Damon wrote :
>>>>>>>>>> Of course, if you logic tries to make that transfinite value 
>>>>>>>>>> finite because that is all it can handle, your system just 
>>>>>>>>>> blows up in your face.
>>>>>>>>> IMO, it might be best not to think of it as a value at all.
>>>>>>>> Cantor called it a number.
>>>>>>> A number representing an order type.
>>>>>> like 2 or 5.
>>>>> No, because 2 or 5 were FINITE numbers, not transfinite numbers.
>>>> Learn what an order type is according to Cantor.
>>> Maybe you should. "Order Types" are not "Numbers" but properties of 
>>> how you order the set of numbers.
>> Your ignorance is actually unlimited.
>> Cantor created and defined these notions: Den Ordnungstypus einer 
>> wohlgeordneten Menge F nennen wir die ihr zukommende "Ordnungszahl".

> Right, and 2 or 5 are not assigned as a number for an ordinal type.

Your ignorance is actually unlimited but your capability to learn is zero.

> There is no set with an Ordinal Type of 2 or 5.

What are (1, 2) and (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) or (17, 28, 55, 67, 100)?

Regards, WM