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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Alan <>
Subject: Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android
 when RCS messaging is involved
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2024 16:39:58 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 37
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On 2024-04-01 4:01 p.m., Wolf Greenblatt wrote:
> On Tue, 2 Apr 2024 11:08:28 +1300, Your Name wrote:
>>> This is the relevant part of the article.  There will not be encryption
>>> between Android and iOS users.  The DOJ says Apple can make it happen
>>> but are unwilling to.
>> More know-nothing bollocks from the US DOJ. Just read note A. above,
>> Apple is already planning to support RCS, in some form.
> Apple has no plans to fully support RCS end-to-end encryption.
> That's what the DOJ suit is partially about.

Well that's just false.

>>> If this is true then it looks like Apple is being the petulant child
>>> stamping their feet and saying "no, no, no..."
>>> "So unlike iMessaging between iPhone users or Google Messaging between
>>> Android users, or more importantly WhatsApping between iPhone and
>>> Android users, RCS between iPhone and Android will not have that level
>>> of security."
>> Wrong ...
> Only the nut cases think Apple actually cares about them or their privacy.
>>      "Apple stated it will not use any type of proprietary
>>       end-to-end encryption – presumably referring to Google's
>>       approach — but did say it would work to make end-to-end
>>       encryption part of the RCS standard."
> Apple does not want anyone, not even their own customers, to have the
> privacy of RCS end-to-end encryption between Apple and Android users.

You've literally just quoted them saying they would allow it.