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Path: ...!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Anonymous <>
Subject: Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android
 when RCS messaging is involved
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2024 22:53:46 -0400
Organization: Mixmin
Message-ID: <uva7nq$3r9oj$>
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 <uuttdi$2o2ua$> <757fef4d5b.DaveMeUK@BeagleBoard-xM>
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Chris wrote:
> Anonymous <> wrote:
>> Chris wrote:
>>> Anonymous <> wrote:
>>>> David Higton wrote:
>>>>> In message <uuttdi$2o2ua$>
>>>>> Chris <> wrote:
>>>>>> Oh and the election wasn't stolen.
>>>>> The reality, i.e. what was determined from the observable facts, was
>>>>> that
>>>> ...they stopped counting in the middle of the night,
>>> As per their rules (in a few counties) laid down before the election began.
>>> People are allowed to sleep.
>> Only to resume counting a relatively short time later?
>> Furthermore, if you are counting mail-in votes (which should be
>> banned), you should be required to remain in that room until it's
>> DONE. No exceptions.
> Says who? It'll solve nothing.
> There's only one reason why you want to ban mail-in ballots.
>>>> threw out the
>>>> observers,
>>> Because they were trying to interfere with the count.
>> No they weren't.
>>> They were no longer observers.
>> They were observers.
>>>> and trucked in enough fraudulent ballots to swing the
>>>> election.
>>> Didn't happen.
>> They had overwhelming motive and opportunity. Therefore, it is
>> reasonable to shift the burden of proof to those who claim the
>> election was clean.
> Already happened. All of Trump's cases claiming the above were either
> dismissed or found against him. 0/62 is an impressive failure rate.

All that proves is that the courts are thoroughly corrupt. A lot of those
cases were dismissed on procedural grounds.

> You keep crying.
>>> In all cases of voter fraud two things were discovered 1) in no instance
>>> was there enough to come close to affect any vote, 2) most of the
>>> fraudulent ballots were in favour of GOP candidates.
>> "Cases of voter fraud" as reported by the fake media, which simply
>> does not report cases of fraud in favor of Democrat candidates.
> lol. If you really believe this, living life must be difficult for you.