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From: super70s <super70s@super70s.invalid>
Subject: Re: Man With Suspended License Joins Court Zoom Hearing While Driving
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2024 06:01:08 -0500
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 2024-06-07 08:28:37 +0000, anim8rfsk said:

> Adam H. Kerman <> wrote:
>> Adam H. Kerman <> wrote:
>>> Adam H. Kerman <> wrote:
>>>> Adam H. Kerman <> wrote:
>>>>> BTR1701 <> wrote:
>>>>>> On May 30, 2024 at 1:49:58 PM PDT, Adam H. Kerman <> wrote:
>>>>>>> BTR1701 <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> This is amazing.
>>>>>>>> I just feel sorry for his poor lawyer, who's stuck trying to defend
>>>>>>>> this idiot while he's committing crimes in real time in front of the
>>>>>>>> judge. That's not something they cover in law school.
>>>>>>> His lawyer further pissed off the judge by saying he was only charged
>>>>>>> with driving on a suspended license as the judge was looking at his
>>>>>>> license record and could see that it was still suspended.
>>>>>>> I saw the Steve Lehto video this morning. I was thinking of posting
>>>>>>> about it but you beat me to it.
>>>>>> I must have missed the “How to Deal With Dumbass Clients Who Commit Crimes
>>>>>> *In* Court” class in law school.
>>>>> With as heavy a LART as you can carry, applied directly to the skull,
>>>>> having first asked the judge's permission to confer with your client?
>>>> I'm going to have to withdraw my initial impression of this matter and
>>>> apologize to the defendant. It turns out he was caught in a Kafa-esque
>>>> nightmare of bureaucracy.
>>>> However, my initial impression of his lawyer still stands. She sucks.
>>>> She needed to consult with her client, to draw out of him exactly what
>>>> was going on, and then present it to the judge to gain sympathy.
>>>> Under legal ethics, a lawyer is obligated to represent the client to the
>>>> best of his or her ability and that's not what happened here.
>>>> There was a followup Steve Lehto video. In his earlier veto, he
>>>> explained that video clips from this judge's courtroom get posted to
>>>> social media frequently because he just doesn't take any guff.
>>>> After this defendant was exposed to worldwide humiliation, the Detroit
>>>> tv station with the nation's most famous call letters WXYZ tracked him
>>>> down.
>>>> Historic note: In radio days, WXYZ was a major source of programs fed to
>>>> the Mutual Broadcasting System. The Lone Ranger and the Green Hornet,
>>>> both of which began as radio dramas, were produced in the Detroit radio
>>>> studios of WXYZ.
>>>> He was fucked.
>>>> His driver's license was suspended in 2010 for failure to pay child
>>>> support. He must have gotten the child support matter cleared up because
>>>> a judge lifted the suspension. Now, there is no automatic process to
>>>> file a judge's order with the state driver's services bureau. He was
>>>> relying upon something called "Michigan Friend of the Court" to perform
>>>> this duty but they failed to do so. I have no idea if he could have
>>>> obtained a copy of the judge's order then gone directly to the
>>>> appropriate state office to file it to receive an immediate lift of the
>>>> suspension on their records.
>>> Ah.
>>> "Michigan Friend of the Court" is the intermediary between the court and
>>> the state child welfare bureau. He needed not just the judge's order but
>>> paperwork from this office to file with the state's driver's license
>>> bureau. While there is an automatic process in which the driver's
>>> license bureau notes that there is a suspension due to a judge's order
>>> or other court action, there is no automatic process lifting the
>>> suspension (if there isn't something else on the record suspending the
>>> license) because the driver's services bureau may also impose its own
>>> fee to process paperwork lifting the suspension in their database.
>>> Fees, fines, and court costs are simply revenue raising matters to avoid
>>> raising taxes.
>>>> Until the state driver's service bureau shows that the suspension was
>>>> lifted on their records, then both the police and the court using their
>>>> system continue to see the suspension.
>> No. Fucking. Way.
>> Lehto watched the video of this guy's court hearing. This time, everyone
>> is in the courtroom.
>> There is no record that this man ever had a driver's license. Let me
>> repeat. There is no record that this man ever had a driver's license.
>> Upon convening the hearing, the judge makes this announcement on record to
>> counter all of the media coverage.
>> There is no record that this man ever had a driver's license.
>> How does the judge know this? In Michigan, the state ID issued by the
>> driver's services bureau is available ONLY to those people who do not
>> hold a driver's license. Remember that citation for driving on a
>> suspended license last October? The man claimed that the reason he
>> didn't clear it up was that he was laid up. The judge asked, Where were
>> you on December 28? The man said he was at home. The judge pointed out
>> that's incorrect. He was at the driver's services bureau renewing his
>> state ID. It appears he's been renewing the state ID since he was a kid,
>> although I'm not sure the judge checked the record that far back.
>> Worse still, he has an older citation that he still hasn't handle on a
>> previous charge of driving on a suspended license. The judge told him he
>> was going to be taken into custody AGAIN for that charge.
>> That's two pending driving on a suspended license charges. I'm wondering
>> how the hell the cops who pulled him over utterly missed the fact he
>> never had a driver's license.
>> How can his license be suspended? Because if he ever tries to apply,
>> they want to block the application till the issue leading to the
>> suspension are resolved.
>> That's the unpaid child support, then the judge's order that lifted the
>> suspension. The Michigan Friend of the Court, the intermediary with the
>> child support bureau, did not make a bureaucratic mistake.
>> Once that paperwork is taken care of, he'll be able to apply to have the
>> suspension lifted. Turns out the filing fee is $1.25.
>> The judge was trying to help the guy and set the next court hearing for
>> August in order to give the man plenty of time to resolve the
>> suspension, and once he does that, apply for and pass his driving test
>> and finally obtain a license.
> Why? Why do we possibly want this guy to have a drivers license?

Seth Meyers did several jokes last night around this lawyer who 
accidentally left his cat filter on during a Zoom call.