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From: Jos Boersema <>
Newsgroups: soc.culture.jewish
Subject: You live as if Jesus the Bastard is your Messiah.
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 21:05:17 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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source: The Gates Of Mordehay

  Someone asked in a comment to this, how will 'moshiach' be recognized,
  and that the Alter Rebbe said something like: the one you want will
  not come, and the one who will come you will not want.

  There was an answer to this to the effect that Eliyahu will show up
  and announce the 'moshiach', and perform miracles so that they know it
  is true.

Reply ... ( ... because, why not rant and rave while you can still do so
without being killed for saying something ? Let's live it up and let it
rip ! ;-)

Alter Rebbe is right I think. If you tell Jewish people or Rabbis about
how they break the Torah law with the *prosbul* they couldn't care
less. They cannot deal with being corrected. Therefore there cannot be
a Redemption, and any 'moshiach' who is supposed to 'mend breaches in
the Torah' is probably going to be met by the same obstinacy, which
the Tanach calls "hard neck" I guess. The Alter Rebbe even said that
'moshiach' would be _secular_ so the Rabbis are not going to like that
either. Rabbis don't want to be disempowered. It's all about money,
as usual, I guess.

I thought of it this way: they want a 'moshiach' who tells them what
they did right, rather than a 'moshiach' who tells them what they did
wrong. You should think deeply about this though, and how destructive
an attitude it is, and how horrible the presedents are for this
attitude. People don't usually think, but think: how did Hitler gain
his power ? He told the Germans they where great people, he told them
what they did right. The result was horrible. Jesus the Bastard is the
same. The believers in this idol think that they are awesome and great,
merely for idolizing this fake god from Rome, who tells them what they
want to hear: they are great and awesome, their sins are just washed away,
just like that, no problem. What they wanted to hear.

It seems to me, that what the Alter Rebbe said, was already known and
true and has been punished by heaven for all these long years of the
current exile, when the Romans came and said: Jesus the Bastard is your
Messiah. You live as if Jesus the Bastard is your Messiah, the lawless
one, who pretends to put up a cute face, who pretends "be nice to your
neighbor", but in reality it is a Tyranny, a war maker, even a Cannibal,
and they have hurt Israel greatly. Hillel the Elder was one like Jesus
the Bastard, a lawless one who broke the law, but they made him their
Messiah (anointed one), because he seemed friendly. Friendly like the
snake in paradise I suppose, the kind of friend whose "kind" words take
you down to a state where you wish you where dead. A war maker, a thieve,
a deceiver.

Apparently, they are waiting for Eliyahu, and all manner of miracles I
suppose. Can't we just use our God given heads, and restore the Torah
to greatness on our own ? Stop the prosbul, stop the heter iska, take
down the false Sages such as Hillel the Elder and Maimonides/Rambam,
honor the Jubilee on land where possible, and see if that at least might
bring the Redemption a little closer ... But no they can't do it ... they
don't want challenges, they don't want to be told what they do wrong or
where to improve. They live like Jesus the Bastard is their Messiah,
some impossible hero is going to save them from themselves, just like what
the Jesus people believe, while they break just about every law they can
read in the Torah (and certainly, they break both the Jubilee on land,
and the prohibition on rent seeking, and the Shmittah on loans as well,
although not entirely (bankruptcy law does exist, thank goodness, at
least something was at least learned after so much suffering and slavery
thanks to unpaid debt)).

If the Rabbis refuse to stop breaking the Torah, they themselves will see
their power broken, as HKB'H already said he would take away the teachers
of Israel, because they have deceived his Nation. This may be what the
Rabbis fear, and why they resist the Redemption. They are themselves
the block. Their guilt may become great and destroy them, when and if
the second holocaust has taken place, and the survivors are more than a
little upset about what happened. We are not there yet. Perhaps someone
can still alter what has to happen, by doing what is necessary. The brain,
the courage, the morality, this is all severely lacking. It isn't even a
difficult thing, but well, if people refuse to use their heads completely,
even 1+1 is an impossible question.

They don't really believe, or they would get serious about things. It's
all merely going through the motions, and I wonder how many of them
merely do it all for show, because it's a business, it brings in money,
and it makes them fit in.

P.S. I guess the Rabbis have had their chances by now. They refused. It
is clear that they do not want to come back to the Torah. The game goes
well for them for now. They have money, standing in the community, etc.
This must then be what they are after, and the Torah is a tool to get
there. How can they answer to such an accusation ? It does not look good
for them, having gone with the prosbul and now the heter iska, and just
ignore the whole thing when they get challenged on it. It is fraud, it
is a lie, but they don't care. Hence one is forced to seek their
motivations elsewhere, and not in the Torah, but rather: what *do* they
get out of it, if it is not the Torah. Money, power and prestige, that
is what they get. This then must be at least part of their motivation,
or entirely be their motivation ? Can they be so dumb as not to see the
prosbul is a lie ? It is hard to believe anyone can be that dumb. People
can be incredibly dumb of course, or say distracted and not caring, but
all this time, and under all this scruteny and debate that this Torah is
under ? Hard to believe. I guess heaven has drawn its own conclusions,
and put Israel and the Rabbis where they belong: in the exile, aud under
the curses. This is what you chose, because your God is your Kiug I
suppose, whether you like it or not. That is apparently the deal, and
HKB'H is keeping up his end perfectly; for the sake of us all really,
for the eventual Redemption of the entire world. Israel *must* repent,
with or without the Rabbis. There has to be truth, Justice and Peace on
Earth, because - to put it simply - the bombs got too big (my opinion).

Guys, listen: the bombs got too big, ok ? Can you see that ? Of course
you see that. Stop the garbage now, and we can still have all the toys
we want. Just be a fair enough and all that stuff, and it should work
out. Thanks.

If you can't do it, this will naturally go back to the Stone age, or
worse. Do you realize that ? I don't think people do, but when it
happens, it will be so incredibly deadly and overwhelming, you will see
how bad it all got, and then understand, but likely too late. Wars wars
wars, we have to stop with that. Plunder plunder plunder, ripping nature
apart until we destroyed our own civilization ... *again* (and again and
again), this also has to stop.

No deal ? Fine, enjoy digging for roots with a stick again, and carrying
all your belongings on your back. An old half rusted soda can will be a
treasure you fight each other over to the death. It is so light ! It
holds water ! Clan Chiefs will carry it around as a symbol of their
power, until it finally disintegrates into nothing, and nothing remains
of this world but impossible to believe fables, as the wolves close in
around you, and the fear of a simple infection becomes the fear of

A just reward for a world of fools ? I hope we can do better. In the
words of Queen (the music band) ... *I want to ride my bicycle, ...*

Stopping with the violence, the evil, the lying, the ambition, the greed
the stupid lust to be rich and richer ... it is a small price to pay, if
you consider the cost of this world blowing itself up and plundering
nature until everything is dead. Stop creating a hell out of this
quite habitable planet.

You don't realize, but I think that if you do something as simple as
having a car, you are already incredibly destructive, almost like a
demon on Earth, but you don't see it because the eventual consequences
of all this greed are not apparent yet. The level that this civilization
is going to far is already very far over the line, I think. To get back
into line, they are not going to do it.

Therefore, they will be destroyed, and end up with nothing. That is your
choice, humanity, and you also deep down know it. You know you sold your
soul for a few more years of fun, and whatever comes after, alas at
least you can reminisce about what you have been doing. That is the
brainlessness of this lost species. They "just don't care; me me me,
now now now; yesterday and tomorrow don't exist." Is it that bad ?
Probably 10 times worse than this.

It takes a miracle to still resolve this mess, to even survive at a
level as we had in 1800 or so. We will see, but these fools are already
going to war again, and this time they have thousands and thousands of
nukes, and a way to put them where they like, and that's not even
talking about all the other weapons and devices they have.

Earth is a mad house, humanity is crazy, the price will be intense.
I hope of course, it will not be as bad as it could be, but if there is
no solution, even after World War 3, very bad things are likely to
happen in the coming centuries, the way this madhouse Earth and humanity
are developing.

And ... stop taking tattoos too. It is disgraceful, stupid, and might
also be another design for people to get used to putting bad things into
their body because it is fashion or whatever the ruling class has
ordered them to like, and it may normalize altering your body, but this
species has an evil ruling class who will want to abuse such a thing for
the worst possible motivations (absolute subjugation that is).
 etc etc etc ... [disappears mumbling into the night]

Sigh. What a garbage culture, what a garbage culture. What a low level
intellectual life, what a bunch of fools humanity is, right up to and
including the people in the expensive clothes, and all the way down to
the people wearing trash. I guess George Orwell would call it something
like non-think, the ability to face an obvious problem with an obvious
answer, but simply refuse to arrive from the problem to the answer, by
the application of non-think, the simple silence of the mind, the
standing still of the thoughts. Then to turn away and flow gently into
double think, saying to yourselve: the problem has just been solved, I