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From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho,
Subject: Re: Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2024 23:45:04 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Hornplayer9599 wrote on 18/6/24 10:59 pm:
> On 6/18/2024 06:50, Daniel70 wrote:
>> Hornplayer9599 wrote on 18/6/24 8:06 am:
>>> On 6/17/2024 15:46, The Last Doctor wrote:
>>>> I see Aggie still doesn’t accept how the BARB ratings work.
>>> How could he?  It would upset his own little world where he is
>>> always right if he did.  I'm also convinced that he doesn't even
>>> quote Doomcock (or any other YouTuber) correctly; rather he
>>> cherry-picks what he wants to hear, and takes things out of
>>> context if it helps stroke his own ego. (full disclosure, I
>>> subscribe to Doomcock and I can tell when he's
>>> misquoting them...which is frequent regardless what Aggy
>>> claims.)
>>> Dunning-Kruger is very strong with him.
>>> I'm also convinced that Aggy couldn't run a used car dealership
>>> that had only one car on the lot.
>> I have been wondering ... if Doomcock actually gave an episode of 
>> 'Doctor Who' a winning score (say 7+), would Aggy ALSO give the 
>> episode a winning score??
> Aggy is a lemming, and can't think for himself, so yes he would.
>> Hornplayer, if you've been looking at Doomcock for a while, what
>> sort of opinion did Doomcock have of the Chris/JodieDoctor period??
>> (We all know Aggy hated it.)
> He didn't like it.  He felt that the script writing was weak at best,
>  and that there were too many companions in the TARDIS for there to
> be enough for everyone to do in the story...especially when the story
> is 45 minutes long.  I would be dishonest if I didn't mention that he
> does hit the "woke" button aggressively...but when someone goes
> overboard with anything, people with intelligence can filter it out.
> When it's an unverified rumor, he state it as such; when he can
> verify things, he provides the source.  When he makes a prediction,
> his accuracy is usually pretty good...although not perfect.  Overall
> not really a bad channel, entertaining to me, and informative, and
> worth my time to watch...even if I don't always agree with his take
> on things (and there is nobody, not even my closest friends, that I
> agree with 100% of the time).
O.K., thanks for that ..... but, now, can we assume that Aggy *IS*