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From: Python <>
Newsgroups: sci.physics.relativity
Subject: Re: [SR and synchronization] Cognitive Dissonances and Mental
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 15:22:08 +0200
Organization: CCCP
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Le 31/08/2024 à 15:05, Maciej Wozniak a écrit :
> W dniu 31.08.2024 o 14:19, Python pisze:
>> Le 30/08/2024 à 20:03, Maciej Wozniak a écrit :
>>> W dniu 30.08.2024 o 17:09, Python pisze:
>>>> Le 30/08/2024 à 13:44, Maciej Wozniak a écrit :
>>>> ...
>>>>> No theory of mathematics include clocks.
>>>> Sure! But a model of clocks can appear in a mathematical
>>>> theory.
>>> It can
>> Good to know. We agree then.
>>> and, what's more important - a
>>> relativistic idiot like to invoke
>>> the auyhority of mathematics for
>>> excusing his mad claims.
>>> BTW - is Pythagorean theorem a
>>> "hard mathematical fact"?
>>> Yes or not?
>> The hard mathematical fact is: Euclid's Axioms => Pythagorean theorem.
>> Another question?
> Here it comes:
> Quoting:
>  >> Paragraph I.1. describes a procedure that looks non symmetric at
>  >> first sight: clocks A and B are not treated exactly the same way
>  >> (two measures for A, one for B for instance), nevertheless at the
>  >> end of the day one can *prove* that the results are symmetric and
>  >> that inverting A and B would lead to the same result.
>  >
> This is hard mathematical facts Richard. Something beyond your head.
> End of quoting.
> No axioms now implying that?

We basically need a archimedian complete ordered field. i.e. R.

Let's pick ZFC + Peano, and R (for values of the "clocks") defined as
the set of Cauchy sequences on Q or Dedekind's cuts. You may know the
definition of Q, N, and Peano's axioms that I won't repeat here.

> Just a hard mathematical fact?


> -- 
> poor stinker