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From: john larkin <>
Subject: Re: another hint of quantum consciousness
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 20:03:06 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On Sat, 14 Sep 2024 19:39:20 -0700, john larkin <> wrote:

>On Sat, 14 Sep 2024 21:18:44 +0200, Jeroen Belleman
><jeroen@nospam.please> wrote:
>>On 9/14/24 20:08, john larkin wrote:
>>> On Sat, 14 Sep 2024 19:36:35 +0200, Jeroen Belleman
>>> <jeroen@nospam.please> wrote:
>>>> On 9/14/24 17:13, john larkin wrote:
>>>>> Interesting way to define consciousness, the thing that goes away when
>>>>> an a general anesthetic is applied. That can be quantified.
>>>> I paraphrase: "Since we don't know how it works, it must be quantum".
>>> Or, more conventionally, "It can't be quantum because QM only works at
>>> liquid helium temperatures."
>>>> That's it then: Quantum-something is merely religion. The god of the
>>>> gaps.
>>>> There's a lot of quantum nonsense about. This is just one example.
>>> Well, explain how we can name one image out of maybe a million stored
>>> images, in a fraction of a second.
>>Yes, that's the typical comeback of religious believers.
>I don't recall invoking religion here, or calling myself a believer. I
>was asking about image storage and high-speed matching. It's even more
>amazing when you consider all the optical distortions and viewing
>angles and changes in illumination and motion effects in real life; we
>don't match nice flat photos.
>How are our collections of images stored?
>When some people encounter an unwelcome idea, they call the people
>that they disagree with bible bangers, and assume they have won the
>>I don't know how it works. Let's find out. AI seems to be
>>getting there, and it requires no quantum theory. Just loads
>>of data and a lot of matrix math.
>You are determined to exclude the possibility that are brains use QM. 
>Given that most all physics and chemistry is fundamentally quantum
>mechanical, why would evolution refuse to allow cells to use quantum
>Most people don't really believe in evolution.
>>Jeroen Belleman

It would be pretty good packing, storing one bit of data per atom.

or maybe more than one.

Nice possibilities for quantum correlation, pattern matching, too.