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NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2024 03:38:12 +0000
Subject: Re: Drama Queen For A Day: It's time for his close up, Mr. DeMille!
References: <XnsB14FC817ED6EDReallyNotChad@>
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Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2024 20:38:11 -0700
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Skeeter wrote:
> In article <>, pursent100
> says...
>> Skeeter wrote:
>>> In article <XnsB14FC817ED6EDReallyNotChad@>, Chadweasel274
>>> says...
>>>> Beefaroni Boy AKA John Henry is stone fucking batshit.
>>>> Beefy was due for a crash, looks like this is it.
>>>> "Beefy: An open apology to everybody:"
>>>> I'm sorry I've been pretty distant, uncommunicative, and unresponsive to
>>>> DMs and e-mails and other "personal" correspondence. I've been exhausted
>>>> beyond comprehension since I was about six years old."
>>>> That's his excuse for stringing the sheep along all this time? Acoording
>>>> to Beefy, all the mooching and molesting of family members can be traced
>>>> back to Beefy being tired since he was six years old! Imagine that!
>>>> Know that's really tired? His lame excuses! What a drama queen!
>>>> "Beefy: Try to imagine the pressure that it puts on a little kid to be
>>>> constantly told from the time they first set foot in a learning
>>>> environment that they're not just "bright" but world-class exceptional,
>>>> a preordained Great Person freshly minted and expected to be the savior
>>>> of the adults who were supposed to be teaching you. "Why, your IQ is
>>>> higher than [long list of famous intellects]! You could SAVE THE WORLD
>>>> with a mind like that!" ("IQ" meant a lot more in 1975 than it does
>>>> now.)"
>>>> It's OK, Beefy. A lot of high school dropouts started exactly that way!
>>>> So how is that saving the world thing going these days?
>>>> I shouldn't ask? OK then. I hope it's OK that I continue to mock you as
>>>> a minimum of what a daughter-molesting scumbag deserves for starters.
>>>> "Beefy: Then you spend the rest of their lives trying to prevent them
>>>> from doing just that because you're afraid it'll cost you money or lower
>>>> your social status. Unless you are that kid, you can't imagine that.
>>>> Try to imagine what it's like to be six, seven, eight years old and
>>>> having fully qualified professional adults looking at you like you're a
>>>> cross between Jesus and Superman. DAILY. Unless you are that kid, you
>>>> can't imagine that."
>>>> You know what happens? People grow up and get their heads out of comic
>>>> books and get on with life without abusing drugs, mooching and molesting
>>>> family members.
>>>> Most people do. But Beefy is special!
>>>> "Beefy: Try to imagine what it feels like when you realize that adults
>>>> don't just adore you for being cute but they're also more than a little
>>>> bit scared of you and sometimes you say things that shock or startle or
>>>> confuse or recalibrate some bit of information they thought they had a
>>>> handle on, and it hits them hard enough that they can't quite succeed in
>>>> not letting you see they're also afraid of you. Nearly terrified
>>>> sometimes. You can't imagine that, unless you are that kid.
>>>> There are four or five people reading this page who know that I'm sure
>>>> of, and probably two dozen more that I don't personally know about.
>>>> Maybe a thousand or so of us nationwide, born in the years 1968-1972,
>>>> know. Older or younger, even if you've got the gifts the environment in
>>>> which they were nurtured (or not) was different. Try to get your head
>>>> around what it's like to be in second grade and having all the adults
>>>> around you telling you that you're a "natural born leader" and expecting
>>>> you to exert influence on your peers to help guide THEM, when you have
>>>> no guidance yourself and it becomes more clear every day that the list
>>>> of people even qualified to try is vanishingly small. Plus of course all
>>>> your peers think you're a weirdo and a reject because they're all normal
>>>> kids and you're a exceptional adult mind trapped in a kid's body and
>>>> lacking adult life experience, and you ARE a weirdo and a reject because
>>>> all that stuff in your head doesn't really lend itself to social
>>>> conformity and meanwhile you're just hoping to get through recess
>>>> without wetting your pants. You can't understand that, unless you are
>>>> that kid."
>>>> Let's create a whole new DSM-IV for Beefy!
>>>> "Beefy Messiah Syndrome"
>>>> Sounds good to me!
>>>> "Beefy: There are many ways to abuse children, and the vast majority of
>>>> them involve abusers who have convinced themselves that abuse is
>>>> beneficial to the abused."
>>>> Which member of your family are we talking about this time?
>>>> "Beefy: People like me are extraordinarily lucky to have an occasional
>>>> mentor or "trusted adult" around once in a while. When a kid like me
>>>> gets to be an adult like me, the list is almost non-existent. Somehow
>>>> you have to figure out - on your own - how to tap in to whatever that
>>>> thing is you were born with and make it useful and powerful and
>>>> effective as one small part of the ongoing evolution and progress of the
>>>> species. You were given a GIFT, you were BLESSED, you are EXCEPTIONAL,
>>>> and there's no greater sin, no greater crime, no greater insult to the
>>>> fact of your own existence, than to fail to apply that to improving the
>>>> general conditions of humankind. Mere success is not an option. You must
>>>> exceed all normal human expectation and save as much of the species as
>>>> you can in the process. When you're done with that, learn to deal with
>>>> and heal from an otherwise radically dysfunctional childhood filled with
>>>> the kind of abuse that even to this moment many people insist isn't
>>>> abuse at all but merely "discipline" or "tough love" or "character
>>>> building." And the only real gratification you get is watching the world
>>>> slowly and begrudgingly swing around to your way of thinking in your
>>>> lifetime, even though they don't have any idea of you at all. Even
>>>> though they sneer at you if you even try to remind them that "you've
>>>> been trying to tell them all along." Even while they'll make money
>>>> directly stealing your work while agitating the rest of the world to
>>>> despise you and believe you aren't capable of anything that anyone would
>>>> care about while you starve. There are no vacations or days off from
>>>> being who you are. I can't imagine how much more difficult it must be
>>>> for that slim percentage of my fellow "gifteds" who are also ethnic
>>>> minorities, or women, or LGBTQ+, and having all THAT crap dumped on them
>>>> by society as well as having to deal with everything else. How to make
>>>> your way through life as one of us...that's not a thing anyone can
>>>> teach, because there aren't enough of us to create enough common
>>>> experience to write a step-by-step. You can only learn these things
>>>> externally in broad generalities; the up-close stuff only comes through
>>>> often bitter and painful (and also often ecstatic and transcendent!)
>>>> experience."
>>>> It's another Beefy Pity Party! Send money!
>>>> "Beefy: That's mostly where my head's been since I left Michigan. Trying
>>>> to figure out, now that I've got so many things sorted and cleared and
>>>> understood and overcome, how to most effectively apply the time I've got
>>>> left to making my existence a positive factor in the long-term survival
>>>> of the species...and also have a day to day life. It'd be nice to think
>>>> I'll be partnered again before I die, hard to get there when you never
>>>> socialize. And so on. Consequently my bandwidth for the rest of life has
>>>> been extra limited. Every little thing feels enormous and fraught with
>>>> intense significance. Every decision feels existential. Every task feels
>>>> monumental. I'm working four part-time days this week and it feels like
>>>> eight tens. So if you feel like I'm just not the same old JH or haven't
>>>> been around much or feel a bit detached toward things lately, that's
>>>> why. I'll get there. Thanks for sticking around for the quiet, boring
>>>> part of the ride, and extra love for all of you who have helped and are
>>>> helping to keep my carcass from rotting while I upgrade my internal
>>>> infrastructure."
>>>> So no content for a while? I'm shocked. My GAWD, four whole days and
>>>> it's (gasp!) part time? Such a burden!
>>>> Go back to your porn, Beefy.
>>> wow
>> i love usenet
> its the best ever
checkmate told me a long time ago ,
that i would have usenet dreams but i haven't yet